Author: Team Augmentis

Augmentis | Debunking B2B Thought Leadership Myths

Debunking B2B Thought Leadership Myths

When it comes to B2B Marketing, perhaps no other term has been more misunderstood, and misused, than “thought leadership”. Unfortunately, every piece of B2B content that offers any semblance of a little insight is branded as thought leadership today. Let’s debunk some common misconceptions about B2B thought leadership marketing and understand what true [...]
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Practical SEO Strategies For B2B Startups

Practical SEO Strategies for B2B Businesses Targeting Enterprises

In a chaotic business world where every vendor is trying to woo the same target audience, standing out to enterprise clients can seem like a daunting task, especially for B2B startups and mid-sized companies competing with established players. However, neither is this impossible, nor do you need huge B2B marketing budgets to make [...]
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Building a Bulletproof B2B Reputation in the Age of Transparency

In today's business landscape, transparency has become more than just a buzzword—it's a fundamental expectation that shapes how companies operate and thrive. Especially for B2B companies, navigating this era of heightened transparency underscores the critical importance of reputation. Beyond merely managing online perceptions reactively, it's essential to adopt proactive strategies that establish a [...]
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The Power of Event Data in Maximizing Your ABM Strategy

In today's competitive B2B landscape, Account-Based Marketing (ABM) has emerged as a strategic approach to targeting high-value accounts with personalized campaigns. It's a method that allows businesses to concentrate their resources on prospects most likely to convert, enhancing efficiency and ROI. A cornerstone of successful ABM is leveraging first-party data, which provides direct [...]
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From Yoga Mats to Marketing Plans: Achieving Harmony in B2B

What does yoga have to do with B2B marketing? Nothing. And Everything. Nothing because unless you find a forced fit, there is indeed nothing. Everything, when you seriously think about it. Yoga is all about finding the right balance to bring harmony in your life. Good B2B marketing is exactly the same - [...]
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AI in B2B Marketing: Balancing Innovation with Ethical Communication

In B2B marketing, every click, like, and share is becoming the cornerstone of modern communication. As a result, AI technologies are now seen as both promising and potentially threatening. The vast amount of AI-generated fake content highlights the risks and strong influence AI could have in manipulating online media and changing perceptions. For [...]
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The Power of Consistency: How Content Templatising Can Elevate Your B2B Communications

In today’s intricate B2B marketing landscape, clarity and consistency have become more critical than ever. With multiple channels and diverse formats, B2B organisations face the challenge of maintaining coherent communication that resonates with busy decision-makers. Clear, concise messaging is not just advantageous; it's essential for cutting through the clutter and establishing credibility. When [...]
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Why Choosing the Right B2B Content Format Matters

In the dynamic world of B2B marketing, crafting a compelling message is essential, but just as critical is selecting the right format to deliver it effectively. Choosing the appropriate B2B content type can make a profound difference in the success of your marketing efforts, resonating more profoundly with your target audience and helping [...]
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B2B Tech Marketing

Expanding the Enterprise Buying Group for faster B2B Conversions

In the increasingly complex B2B buying landscape, it's no longer sufficient to focus solely on the primary decision-makers. Take the example of enterprise IT. While Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and Chief Technology Officers (CTOs) often take centre stage in the decision-making process, the reality is that secondary and tertiary target groups (TGs) like [...]
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Glocal Marketing with Augmentis B2B Marketing Agency

From Global to Local: Making B2B Marketing Work In Diverse Markets

Just the way one shoe does not fit all, one standard form of Brand Communication doesn't fit all geographies. This is especially true for B2B organisations whose Brand Marketing is centrally managed by the Corporate Marketing team based in a foreign country. While the Corporate Marketing team does a stellar job of ensuring [...]
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